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The theme for the 2024 Warrior Women: The Gathering of Eagles Conference is -Healing Broken Wings. Eagles are magnificent birds with massive wings that allow them to fly and soar at very high altitudes. When an eagle’s wings are broken, it can no longer fly and soar unless its wings are repaired and healed. Like the eagle, God wants to repair and heal your broken “wings” so that you can soar high and higher.

Ladies, please do everything you can to make it to the Healing Broken Wings Conference . Not only will you be inspired, reinvigorated and refreshed, you will soar to a new and higher level. You will transcend into a greater intimacy and relationship with the Lord. Through our spirit- filled prophetic worship that ushers in the glory of God, you will experience the fullness of the presence of the Lord. You will be healed and delivered. You will have answers to what you have been seeking the Lord for. You will receive impartations, personal victories , new mantles and plenty of prophetic ministry.


FRIDAY JUNE 21, 2024
6:00 PM
Check In
Please check in for the conference at the registration table located in the Queen Anne Ballroom. If you've reserved a hotel room, kindly check in at the hotel front desk as well. Hotel check in is at 4PM while the conference check in starts at 6PM.

6:30 PM
Lingering Session

An extreme worship session unto the Lord. Linger in His presence and experience the visitation of the Lord. Be refreshed, renewed, and rejuvenated by the Holy Spirit. Let the wind of the Holy Spirit blow away pain, hurt, sorrow, stress, and burdens. Receive healing, deliverance and personal prophecy 

8AM – 8: 45 AM
Buffet Breakfast

Experience powerful manifestations of the Holy Spirit through anointed worship that shifts the atmosphere and ushers in the glorious presence of the Lord. Receive deep impartation and revelation through apostolic and prophetic preaching. Get breakthroughs, personal ministry and prophecies.

12:00– 1:00 PM

Receive strong impartation through apostolic and prophetic preaching, the laying on of hands and prophetic ministry. Experience personal victories. Be reinvigorated and refreshed. Soar to a new and higher level, and transcend into a greater intimacy and relationship with the Lord.

5:30 PM – 6:15 PM

6:30 PM-8:30 PM
Receive new mantles through the laying on of hands. Be mantled for your ministry and calling. Your destinies will be revealed and reaffirmed. Apostle Lisa Sims will identify your spiritual gifts and ministries, and release you to fulfil them.

Register now to secure your spot. 

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